Thursday, October 11, 2007

User Description

I corresponded with my old Psychology teacher, Ms. Tyler, from Hunterdon Central to find an appropriate user. She suggested I work with one of her students that is recovering from an ATV injury. At the beginning of the quarter, he was in a wheel chair and frequently missed class. On top of this, he often had difficulty paying attention. Ms. Tyler felt that by working with him, I would be able to keep him focused and on top of the search. On the day I met with her and the student, she described the situation more in depth by stating that if she had to tell him to be quiet once, it was fifteen times. Joy.

User's Question
The homework assignment consisted of two major portions: a position paper and a debate. My client's topic was to argue that pornography is not harmful. Ms. Tyler requires five sources: two of which are to be periodicals and two of which are to be books. She gave them an article from a book, to count as one of their bound sources.

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